Run by the Educational Director
If you are excited about setting up camps like at THE THINKING PLAYGROUND please contact us. We offer support with, for example, the facilitation of communities of philosophical inquiry, curriculum design and the theory behind philosophy for children. This would include Skype sessions with the director, onsite workshops by our educational director over a period of several days where we deal with theory and praxis and also construct a curriculum together. After these workshops we will run a one week camp and have one day of reflection following the camp.
Suggested course of action
15-day camp to include 2 x 1.5-hours of educational Skype in the 2 months prior to the camp, a 2-day in-person workshop just before, and a 1-day workshop after, and (most importantly) a full curriculum. Please contact us to discuss the costs.
Key areas:
- Philosophy for Children (P4C) Curriculum Design
- Theoretical Background
- Learning to facilitate Communities of Philosophical Inquiry (CPI)
- and more!